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The MentorSHPE Program facilitates one-to-one mentoring relationships that connect mentees with leaders in the organization to learn and develop. The program will help you expand networks, gain new knowledge and insights, and build new skills.
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The SHPE Medtronic College Fund (SMCF) mentoring program is for all InternSHPE participants, Scholars, and Medtronic mentors. This program is by invitation only for those SHPE members participating in InternSHPE program and the Medtronic mentors. Please visit for more information about this program.
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The Future GRADS MentorSHPE Program facilitates one-to-one mentoring relationships. The goal of the mentoring relationship is to assist applicants through the graduate school application process so we can bolster the pipeline of of students in STEM graduate programs. Whether you are a current college student or professional SHPE member working on your graduate school application, this program is for you!

This program is offered each fall semester and is limited based on the number of mentors available. Mentors and mentees both have to apply to participate in the cohort and must have an active SHPE membership.
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This track is designed for our SHPE Professional Members to engage in group cohort mentoring. Topics for group connections will center on various professional development topics and networking opportunities. This program is offered multiple times a year for our professional members. Due to limited space in each cohort, an application process is required to join. Watch SHPE Nation notifications for when the application process is open.

We anticipate offering another cohort starting in August 2024.
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MentorSHPE Mentoring Moments allow users to connect for a single meeting to discuss relevant, timely topics that do not require an entire mentoring relationship.
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The MentorSHPE Program facilitates one-to-one mentoring relationships that connect mentees with leaders in the organization to learn and develop. The program will help you expand networks, gain new knowledge and insights, and build new skills.
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This track is designed for our SHPE Professional Members to engage in group cohort mentoring. Topics for group connections will center on various professional development topics and networking opportunities. This program is offered multiple times a year for our professional members. Due to limited space in each cohort, an application process is required to join. Watch SHPE Nation notifications for when the application process is open.

We anticipate offering another cohort starting in August 2024.
Program Logo - Link to Home Page
The SHPE Medtronic College Fund (SMCF) mentoring program is for all InternSHPE participants, Scholars, and Medtronic mentors. This program is by invitation only for those SHPE members participating in InternSHPE program and the Medtronic mentors. Please visit for more information about this program.
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MentorSHPE Mentoring Moments allow users to connect for a single meeting to discuss relevant, timely topics that do not require an entire mentoring relationship.
Program Logo - Link to Home Page
The Future GRADS MentorSHPE Program facilitates one-to-one mentoring relationships. The goal of the mentoring relationship is to assist applicants through the graduate school application process so we can bolster the pipeline of of students in STEM graduate programs. Whether you are a current college student or professional SHPE member working on your graduate school application, this program is for you!

This program is offered each fall semester and is limited based on the number of mentors available. Mentors and mentees both have to apply to participate in the cohort and must have an active SHPE membership.